Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Life in the New Year

Happy Belated New Year! I apologize for being away fro the last couple weeks. Things with the family were busy over the Christmas holiday break and we are finally getting back to routine.

As we have come into a new year it is a remarkable time. Everything is new, it's a new year to start new things, or to finish things forgotten.

I was chatting with some friends the other day and the new year resolution tradition came up and dropped like a lead balloon when one of my friends commented, "I don't make resolutions because I know I will break them. Instead I make goals."

I was grateful somebody else besides me has the same trouble with resolutions. You sit there and say you'll lose weight, get in shape, start a budget, spend more time with the family, etc... and by March you have forgotten all about them. So, this year I am making goals. And on top of that, I am making Godly goals.

My first goal is to grow in Christ. Get closer to Him and let Him shine through my entire life. This is where I have made mistakes in the past. See, I like to jump in and then ask God if I am on the right track. My goal is to not do that this year. I want to be strong in Christ and be able to show all six of my children His awesome love.

My second goal is to get in shape and slim down. Part of getting closer to God is not having any addictions. Well, I have two major addictions. I am almost ashamed to admit it... I, Faith Johnson, am addicted to... to food and sitting around doing nothing. I know, shocking. In letting those addictions get to me and take over I am not following God's will. See as a Christian, my body is a temple of God. So, if I am cramming cookies and excess food in my mouth, I am filling God's temple with junk, then on top of that, I am just sitting around not exercising to get rid of it.

My third goal for the year is to be more family oriented. Sounds odd for a stay at home mom to say that huh? It's a problem I have though. I let getting things straightened up take precedence over spending quality time with the kids. I haven't sat and watch a movie with them in ages, that don't require much and I can't bring myself to do it. So, I want to improve that.

I know my goals can seem like things that almost everybody is doing in those resolution things, there is a difference though. Since I am a planner, I have these goals in my face until I reach them, which, I can always get closer to God and I can always be more family oriented. Even my concern with getting in shape and slimming down, it will take a conscious effort to remain healthy once I get there.

So, as you are looking over your goals and resolutions, remember that your body, as a Christian is the Temple of God.

1 Corinthians 3:16 "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?"

1 Corinthians 6:19 "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?"

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