(John 11:25-26)
For the past 6 months a family in our church has been having to deal with life and death on a weekly if not daily basis. Their son was born 3 months early back in October. For 3 months their friends, family, church members, and strangers have been praying for them and for their little boy. The battle ended this week. Their son is now alive for the first time.
Although I only knew the family in passing at church, I feel as if I have been in their shoes and that I know them. See, their little boy was born with a heart defect that caused other problems due to the type of defect it was. My youngest has heart defects that have partially been repaired but he does face more surgery unless God preforms a miracle.
What has touched me the most about Avery is his mom and dad. They are so strong. I know they probably don't feel they are, but they are. Any parent that has had to go through what they did and still turn to God is very strong in my book.
I can relate so well to the way this mother described it when she found out she had to let her baby go. The doctors had told them there was nothing else that could have been done, it was finished. So she and her husband decided that they had to let him go. They requested a private room and were able to say good bye. They were able to hold him while his favorite classical music was playing and he was wrapped up in his favorite blue blanket. His last breath on earth was labored, but his first breath in glory was free and full of life.
I cry every time I remember it, every time I think of it. And it touches me so deep to know that we could have been there had God not intervened. I know that God used this precious little boy and his parents to touch all kinds of people. That I believe was this baby's mission in life.
Also seeing the result of this little one's life, I wish and I pray more people will become familiar with congenital heart defects. Over half of all CHDs go undetected until there is an episode. 1 out of 125 children in the US are born with a CHD. Most of the defects are repairable if they are gotten to in time. The key is detection.
I believe that God has a plan for each of us and if it is our time to go so be it, but I also believe that many babies and young people could be saved if more doctors and athletic coaches knew more about CHDs.

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