My family has had two major triumphs this year. Benji, our little one that was born with 2 congenital heart defects. We had no idea that he had anything wrong until after he was born. And even while we were going through the hospital stay and the surgery, we never realized just how severe the defects were. We had 100s if not 1000s of people praying for our family and for Benji. He made it through his closed heart surgery with flying colors. Our other triumph is God gave us the means to give my husband's two children a safe and healthy environment.
When we sang Give Thanks at church Sunday I began reflecting on the rest of my family, my parents and my brothers. My oldest brother is a very smart and successful computer guy. He has given his entire life to God and letting God be in control. While things have gotten tight, his family still is relying on God for all their needs. My 2nd brother, they have a total of 5 children and 2 are in the Marines 1 is in Florida with her son and they have two still at home. Everybody is healthy and doing well.
We really were thankful this weekend because my brother's daughter was in a pretty bad wreck and got banged up pretty bad. No broken bones but she got bruised up and her son got hit in the eye with something. He was in the hospital Friday night and Saturday. They went home Sunday and although he has one nasty shiner, he is playing and laughing and having a good old time. Praise the Lord for his protection over them.
My dad has Parkinson's Plus, it is a neurological disorder that there is no cure for. He is doing good and he is healthy for the most part.
There are other things I am thankful for and as you read I want you to think about it for yourself.
I am thankful for the little house we live in. God has given us a roof over our heads where we can stay warm and dry.
I am thankful for our utility bills because that means we have heat, water, and the internet, plus we have means to pay them.
I am thankful for my 1993 Dodge Caravan. She may not be pretty, but she can get all of our family from point A to point B and occasionally point C.
I am thankful that we live in a smaller community, because we actually know most of our neighbors and everybody looks out for each other.
I am thankful my oldest daughter just turned 11. Her pre-adolescent attitude means she is listening to me and trying to make a place in this world just for her, regardless how much she gets on our nerves.
I am thankful that I have trials and tribulations because that means that I appreciate God being there and I will always need Him.