I was six years old when I was saved. I understood at that time that I was a sinner and that Jesus was my Savior. Since then I have gone through many trials. Through each trial however God has always brought me back to Him. I have slowly learned that God is the answer, not friends, shopping, chat rooms, or anything else, just God. He is teh Answer to all of life's troubles and tribulations.
As I have refected through my trials, I pray that God will give me the wisdom to do the right thing when it comes to my precious children. I want to remember the things I did both good and bad so that while equipping myself in God's Word I can use examples to teach my own children. I see that I have to be completely honest with them, I can not lie about things I did as a child or a teenager or even as an adult. That is one of the hardest things to do as a parent.
Telling the truth to our kids when they ask the hard questions. And I am preparing for them. I am sure it will be from have you ever done drugs to did you have sex before marrriage, to did you sneak out of the house to did you skip school and so much more. Seeing that my oldest turns 11 on Tuesday and the youngest is 8 months and 10 days, I will have to prepare.
As I am preparing, I believe I will base my monthly articles at Mom's Escape on the questions and answers that I come up with. I will start that in January.
As for the article in December, it will correspond to the advent season.
God is an awesome God. He is magnificent in all His ways. Once you accept Jesus as your Savior and follow His ways, no matter when you stray I believe He will bring you back.

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