To the party though. I have realized that our family has a huge gift that we need to share with others. As I said my oldest turned 11 and we were having a party for her. We decided to have a weanie roast with smores. Three of Kimmie's friends came over and of course we had our 6, so we had a few. It was a blast. The party went off with out a hiitch save for the mini breakdown I had as the party time neared and I didn't have everything straightened up. I got over it though.
The girls had fun and played in the big leaf pile and on the tire swing, playing hide in the seek in the dark and flash light tag. It was a fun experience. In fact the party had initially been just a two hour party but two of the girls spent the night which got to be really fun. (I am not kidding. They had alot of fun)
Sitting up watching movies and eating smores. That is what I call entertaining. Now of course I am going to need to scrub some marshmallow out of the carpet but that is what carpet cleaners are for right?
The fun we had last night was when the kids settled in to the movies, we invited over our neighbors to sit by the fire and eat rosted marshmallows. That was enjoyable. They brought their daughter and she enjoyed the leaf pile. They were really surprised we had invited them over having the slumber party going, but we explained that they were inside and had lost interest in the fire.
We were able to witness to them without saying one word to them about God. Just by our actions they were touched. Same goes with the girls, one of the girls is new to the area and I had never met before. I met her mom at the beginning of the party and spoke to her for maybe five minutes. Her daughter is really a sweet child and was impressed with breakfast. :)
We fixed the kids a rather large country breakfast this morning. We had pancakes, eggs, and sausage. Although it didn't quite go over as well as the homemade hot cocoa last night, it went over big.
So we got to share the love of God with others while having fun, who'da thunk it?
May you be blessed this beautiful fall day.

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